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Presteigne Primary School

'Inspire, Nurture and Succeed! Ysbrydoli, Maethu a Llwyddo!'


Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice 2023-2024


This year, our learners are leading a number of pupil voice groups to help develop our curriculum, learning opportunities and all experiences in our school.

School Council


Our School Council and Bronze Ambassadors are supported by Mrs Cook.

Criw Cymraeg


Our Criw Cymraeg are supported by Mrs Stinton.

Digital Wizards


Our Digital Wizards are supported by Mrs Palmer and Mrs Jones.



Our Eco-Committee are supported by Mrs Coxshall.

Online Safety Group


Our Online Safety Group is led by Mrs R Jones (Chair) and Mrs Palmer (Vice Chair).

Mrs A Jones and Miss Jackson represent parents and the wider community in our meetings.

Mrs Owens, our Chair of Governors is also a member of our Online Safety Group. 
