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Presteigne Primary School

'Inspire, Nurture and Succeed! Ysbrydoli, Maethu a Llwyddo!'


Extra Curricular



This year's clubs are up and running and well attended by lots of our learners. Take a look at what is running so far...


Music Clubs with Mrs Bray

Clwb Cerddoriaeth

Mrs Bray kindly takes percussion and recorder lunchtime clubs three times a week.

Netball Club with Mrs Stinton and Mrs Rhodes

Clwb Pel-rwyd

After school on a Thursday night for Years 5 and 6.

Choir Club with Mrs Palmer

Club Cor

Tuesday lunchtimes for Years 3-6.

Running Club with Mrs Coxshall

Clwb Rhedeg

After school on a Tuesday night for Years 3-6.

Code Club with Mrs Jones

Clwb Codio

After school on a Wednesday for Years 5 and 6.

Crochet Club with Mrs Bowen

Clwb Crosio

Thursday lunchtimes for Year 6.

Football Club with Mr Rose

Clwb Pel-droed

Wednesday lunchtimes for Years 5 and 6.



Watch this space for photos and updates of our extracurricular activities.


Gardening Club - Year 2 (May/June) Tuesday lunchtimes with Miss McCarthy

Sport Skills - Year 3/4 (May/June) Wednesdays after school with Mrs Cook

Art Club/Clwb Celf - Year 5/6 Wednesdays (May/June) after school with Mrs Jones and Mrs Bray

Running Club/Clwb Rhedeg - Years 3-6 Tuesdays (Jan-June) after school with Mrs Coxshall


Calm Club - Year 1 (March/April) Thursday lunchtimes with Mrs Cook

Warm-up Wednesdays - Years 3-6 Wednesday lunch times (board games and colouring) in Dosbarth Llywelyn

Coding Club/Clwb Codio - Year 6 Wednesdays after school (Feb/Mar) with Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer


Choir Club - Years 3-6 Thursday lunchtimes (Nov/Dec) with Mrs Jones, Mrs Palmer and Mrs Lewis


Percussion Club and Recorder Club - Year 6 Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes all year round with Mrs Bray

Rugby Club - Year 3/4 Thursdays with Mr Lewis after school 3.15-4.15pm (Nov/Dec)


Clwb Celf a Chrefft Cymraeg - Year 2/3 Thursdays with Mrs Stinton and Miss Jackson after school 3.15-4.15 (Nov/Dec)

Football Club - Year 5/6 Wednesdays (Sept/Oct) after school with Mr Lewis


Netball Club - Year 5/6 Wednesdays (Sept/Oct) after school with Mrs Jones


Clwb Celf/Art Club


Years 5 and 6 have been working hard at after school art club with Mrs Jones and Mrs Bray, designing their own clay coral reef tiles. We're looking forward to making lots of fantastic art this term!

Running Club/Clwb Rhedeg


Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have had a great time at after school Running Club with Mrs Cook and Mrs Coxshall. We were really proud of how many PBs they achieved in the final week! We also enjoyed an opportunity to race at Bedstone. Bendigedig!


Bulgarian Club/Clwb Bulgareg

The children in 4/5SL are having great fun at Bulgarian club on a Wednesday lunchtime.  The children worked together and learned lots of new words in Bulgarian!

Forest School/Ysgol Goedwig


Children in years 1 and 2 have been enjoying after school Forest School with Mrs Coxshall, Miss McCarthy and Mrs Jones. Take a look at some of the fantastic activities they have been taking part in!

Lego WeDo

The children in Year 2 are really enjoying their Lego WeDo Coding club with Miss Jackson and Mrs Burgoyne!

Boys’ Football/Pêl-Droed Bechgyn

Boys in Years 4, 5 and 6 have been enjoying attending football training after school on a Monday night. A huge thank you to Mr Bird and Mr Layton for running these sessions.

Girls’ Football/Pêl-Droed Merched

Girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 have been enjoying attending football training after school on a Monday night. A huge thank you to Mrs Bray and Mrs Rhodes for running these sessions.

Running Club/Clwb Rhedeg

Years 5 and 6 have been working hard in after school running club! Here’s an example of one of their sessions -

Running club session 1 ✅. 
Warm up - Bulldog 
Intervals - 1 min run, 1 min walk x 5
Cool down - half mile jog

We definitely got our heart rates up! ❤️ 

Coding Club/Clwb Codio


Children in Years 3 and 4 have really enjoyed attending after school Coding Club. At the moment, we’re focusing on the Spheros, planning codes to help them travel around mazes and debugging our code to make it more accurate. 

Music Club/Clwb Cerdd


Our Year 6s are enjoying learning lots of new songs with Mrs Bray on the glockenspiels, drums and xylophones.

