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Presteigne Primary School

'Inspire, Nurture and Succeed! Ysbrydoli, Maethu a Llwyddo!'


Dwynwen (Blwyddyn 1)

Tymor Yr Hydref 2024

Autumn Term 2024


We're looking forward to a great start to the year in Dosbarth Dwynwen! As part of our whole school chapter, Belonging, we’re learning about what it means to belong in Wales. Take a look at some of our brilliant work - coming soon! 


Tymor yr Haf 2024

Summer Term 2024


This term our whole school learning chapter is called 'Discovery' and we're learning about sustainability and our impact on the natural world. In Dosbarth Dwynwen, we'll be taking a trip to space and thinking about the question 'Do all discoveries have a positive impact?'

Tymor y Gwanwyn 2024

Spring Term 2024


This term our whole school learning chapter is called 'Changes' and we are learning all about life in our local area during the 1960s, when our school was built. We're thinking about how our community has changed and the impact of this time on people's lives in Presteigne.

Changes Planning Spring 2024

Tymor yr Hydref 2023

Autumn Term 2023


This term our whole school learning chapter is called 'Diversity' and we are learning all about food, in our area and around the world. We're going on a food journey to explore how people's diets differ in our country and in other countries too.


Chapter Planning Autumn 2023

Tymor yr Haf 2023

Summer Term 2023


This term, our learning chapter is called 'Journeys' and we're thinking about the question 'Where do journeys take us?' In 1/2M, we're going to be taking a journey along the rivers of Wales, finding out more about their journey from source to mouth and the life in our local rivers. Check back here soon for planning and photos!

Chapter Planning Summer 2023

Tymor Y Gwanwyn 2023

Spring Term 2023


This term, our learning Chapter is called 'Rights' or 'Hawliau'. We're exploring the concepts of democracy and our rights and responsibilities. In 1/2M, we're exploring 'Kings and Queens' and the concept of 'divine right'. We will be learning about some of the most famous kings and queens in Britain as well as exploring famous legends. As a school, we began the chapter with a focus on fairy tales and their links to rights.

Chapter Planning Spring 2023

Tymor Yr Hydref 2022

Autumn Term 2022


We’ve had a great start to the year in Dosbarth 1/2M. As part of our whole school chapter, Belonging, we’re learning about Wales and what it means to belong to Wales. Take a look at some of our brilliant work. 

Tymor yr Haf 2022

Summer Term


This term, we’re beginning an exciting chapter of Discovery! Starting with a trip ‘Around the World in 80 Days’ and then heading into space, we’re thinking about the key question, ‘Just because we can, does it mean we should?’


Take a look at some of our brilliant work…


Tymor y Gwanwyn 2022 Spring Term


This term, our whole school focus is on ‘Changes’. We began this chapter with a whole school week exploring the wordless picture book ‘Window’ by Jeannie Baker and took part in a range of art and oracy tasks.


We have really enjoyed learning about how life has changed in Presteigne since the 1960s. We’ve also explored the natural environment and learned about plant and animal life in our community.

Take a look at some of the wonderful work we have created. 
